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What can we teach you today?

Castellini on Computers is so much more than just a website and show, we are men on a mission.

To some degree we even let our mission get in the way of our livelihood.

While Rick and I own and operate two separate businesses, we are united in the common goal of helping the digitally challenged survive in the digital world. Much of what we have done together in the past has been done for free as a public service.

We produce show and newsletter along with an ongoing website. The purpose of these projects is to share what we know so that others may use us as a resource for day-to-day computer solutions.

No one else takes the approach that we do. We are not positioning ourselves as geeks, but rather as translators, explaining a complex world to those who have found themselves lost in it.

Our next step in our mission is to ask, “What’s missing?”

What more can HelpMeRick do to help the common computer user. What steps do we need to take to bring HelpMeRick to those who need it most?

Here is our dilemma – we are a website for those who want to learn the basics of the digital world, however, in order to use our resources, one must have a step above basic computer knowledge.

This is where you, the daily website visitor, come in. Tell your friends about the site and the show, sign them up for the newsletter, print out tips from our site and use them as notes for those you know who are having computer problems. should be the first place you start when you have a question about your computer. Google should be the second.

Consider this a call to action. If you have ever found helpful, tell those around you and continue to spread the word.

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