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What IS a blog?

Over the past few weeks I have been asked this question several times. For some reason people always place the emphasis on the word is in this question.

"So, what is a blog?" is a different question than "What is a blog?

By placing the emphasis on the word is, I read this question to be rephrased as, "I keep hearing about blogs and they sound interesting, but no one can really define it for me, can you explain?"

A blog is a sort of online journal. Some people describe it as a diary, but since it is public and can be used for purposes other than personal information, a journal is probably a better description.

Creating a blog is easy and can be done in a few steps. Once setup, entering information onto your blog is as easy as sending an email.

Here's what you need to do:

1. Head over to

2. As prompted, setup a user name, password and name for your blog.

3. Choose a design and address for your blog. It will typically be called Replace the word something with the word you choose.

Once you have the blog setup you can use it a number of ways.

Some common uses for a blog include:

  • Posting pictures with stories – such as a family vacation blog
  • Writing political opinions
  • Posting funny jokes and pictures that you come across on the web
  • College kids can post to a blog that their parents and friends back home can read
  • If you run a non-profit, you can create a blog so those involved can keep track of what's going on
  • A home owners association can post news on the blog for those in the neighborhood. This is great for announcements like when the irrigation will be shut off or that anyone with Christmas lights still up on February 1st will have all of their windows broken.

Blogs are often associated with crazy people, lonely singles, and political activists, but anyone can find a use for a blog if they have information that they want to get out to a certain group of people.

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