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Will old media kill itself off?

Viacom is suing YouTube (Google) for $1 billion for copyright violations. People (not YouTube) have posted clips (not entire shows unless the shows were under 10  minutes) on YouTube without Viacom's permission.

As a result, many YouTube visitors were turned onto Viacom regular programing as well as many other programs like, The Office, 24, Desperate Housewives, The Family Guy, Ali G, and Lost.

While some of these people would have started watching these programs without the help of the Internet, most people use the Internet to get caught up on episodes that aired before they started watching.

How does one begin watching 24, Desperate Housewives or Lost without going back to past shows.

Viacom must be mad at people for watching their programming? I am aware that many of these shows do not belong to Viacom, but I think it demonstrates how little old media (TV, Newspapers and Magazines) understand the power of new media (Blogs, Internet, TiVo, and Video sites).

If broadcasters begin suing websites for rebroadcasting their shows then people will have to accidentally discover new programs by setting their TiVos or DVR for the wrong time or the wrong night – something that is pretty much impossible because TiVo is smarter than the average VCR.

Of course people could just make it a point to stay home and watch TV on the actual night and time that a show airs… Ya, right.

I predict (yes, another Adam Cochran prediction) that within 2 years there will be a major hit show that is not found on TV or Cable. It will be Internet only. This will be followed by Internet only newscasts.

Within 5 years individuals will be the new networks. We will use Google as our TV guide.

Is it any wonder why the many in broadcasting and the government want control over video, audio and other high-powered uses for the Web? This is not a conspiracy theory – it is an ongoing debate in both houses of congress. Just as there are lobbies for control of natural resources, military and money, there are also major lobbies and debates going on over who should control the information and the Internet.

Don't panic. But be aware. Search our site and Google for the term Net Neutrality and you will discover how many groups want power over the way the world gets its information.


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