I had another big frustration today. Unfortunately I reformated one computer before I found the fix, but it saved me a lot of time on the next computer that had the same problem.
Some Windows XP machines with AMD processors get caught in a reset loop after installing Service Pack 3. After running this little command, the problem goes away.
There are also a few other tips that resolve this problem caused by other issues, surprisingly Norton products can also cause reset loops after installing Service Pack 3.
Is it safe to run the Service Pack 3 update. My desktop is about five years old. My lap top about 2 years old loaded just fine. But I have heard bad things about the service pack 3.
Overall XP Service Pack 3 seems to be doing fine except on machines that have only 256mb of RAM. Windows XP has grown enough since 2001, that in order to run properly 512mb is a minimum, and 1024mb (1 GB) of RAM is even better.
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