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Wow! Is Microsoft worried or what?

Is it me, or is Microsoft pummeling the TV, Radio, and of course the online advertising arenas? Almost anywhere I look, Windows Vista ads poke me in the eyes. Could it be because of the nearly 150+ customer visits I have made since Vista came out, only two of them were using Vista? Could it be because users are perfectly content with Windows XP and don't see (rightly) the need to upgrade to Vista? Could it be that the once bullet proof Microsoft name has tarnished with this release and the web has changed the rules about desktop computing? Could it be because Microsoft's sales figures are sorely lacking compared to the release of XP and 98? Could it be that so many business and government entities have 'outlawed' Vista in their space? Could it be the incompatible software and hardware numbers that are racking up?

When Vista was first released in January, computer prices rose instantly almost 10%. Sales tanked, few were buying and those who did buy were unimpressed. Pundits tried their best to gloss over the fact that there was very little substance to talk about or get excited over.

All this being said, prices have dropped again on computers in an effort to move some inventory. Laptop prices are dropping again and if you are in the market, you might find some good deals. It makes me wonder if Microsoft is subsidizing in some way the lower prices to try and move product. Surely the hardware manufacturers can't be happy with the abysmal sales.

Just remember, if you do make the plunge into Vista territories, please get at least 2 GB of RAM and a dual core processor (either Intel or AMD).

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